NMAP Commands

# Stealthy
nmap -sS 10.11.1.X

# Scan all ports, might take a while.
nmap 10.11.1.X -p-

# Scan for UDP
nmap 10.11.1.X -sU
unicornscan -mU -v -I 10.11.1.X

# Scan for version, with NSE-scripts and trying to identify OS
nmap 10.11.1.X -sV -sC -O

# All out monsterscan
nmap -vvv -Pn -A -iL listOfIP.txt

# Fast scan
nmap 10.11.1.X -F

# Only scan the 100 most common ports
nmap 10.11.1.X --top-ports 100

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